Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Люблю  тебе.  Ми  думаєм  одне.
За  білим  чорне,  поза  ним  червоне.
Не  вітер  тишею,  а  тиша  вітром  дме,
І  тане  мак,  в  червонім  чорне  тоне..

Микола Вінграновський

For understanting - the most important is a simple word, simple look, simple silent, color, sound, voice, touch, sense..... And these little stuffs here are simply some attempts to look for simplicity of feelings..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dies slowly ...who avoids a passion


For understanting - the most important is a simple word, simple look, simple silent, color, sound, voice, touch, sense..... I'm looking for pure simplicity of feelings.